An evacuation alert has been issued by the Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine for residents of Usk, and Old and New Remo.
Rising levels in the Skeena and Bulkley Rivers and their tributaries have prompted a flood watch by the River Forecast Centre.
Although not currently required to evacuate, residents of the affected areas are advised to be prepared to leave with short notice.
If an evacuation order is issued, residents are told to leave their homes immediately by using the main road.
You can find information on how to prepare for an evacuation at this link.

New Remo areas under evacuation Alert

Usk evacuation alert area
Flooding Across BC
Nearly all of BC is covered under alerts from the River Forecast Centre, as the hot weather continues to accelerate the spring snowmelt.
A Flood Watch which had covered the Skeena and Bulkley Rivers, as well as their tributaries, has been upgraded to a Flood Warning.
A high streamflow advisory has also been issued for the Stikine, Liard, and Nass Rivers, as well as streams and tributaries through the north Stikine.
Streams throughout the South Peace are also under a high streamflow advisory, as are the Quesnel, Little Swift, Fraser, and Upper Fraser Rivers between Quenel and Prince George.

River Forecast Centre flood warning region.